Asimovo Now Under New Management

A startup can only succeed if its founders are aligned on its vision and direction. Unfortunately, in the case of Asimovo, it has become clear in recent months that the two founders Almende and Christine Fraser could not align on a shared vision for Asimovoโ€™s future.

As a result, both parties have agreed in good consultation to part ways. Effective immediately, Almende will take on full ownership and management responsibilities. Almendeโ€™s partner Aad Nales, the inventor of Asimovoโ€™s original idea, will oversee day-to-day operations for the coming period.

Almende is very grateful to Christine for the major contribution she has made in shaping and managing the company, as well as securing key strategic partnerships. We wish her the very best in her future endeavours. With strong early commercial indicators, Almende remains committed to supporting Asimovoโ€™s growth and success.

If you are interested in trying the platform, set up a freemium account on our website. Universities and companies can request a demo at