Featured as one of the Startups Powering the Next Frontier in Robotics

Asimovo are delighted to be featured by MCC Investments Industry Report as one of 70 robotics companies influencing the acceleration of the industry and providing essential services and infrastructure for its growth. Their industry report focuses on the top 70 startups, scale ups and open-source offerings powering the next frontier of robotics.
This deep dive into the emerging companies gives a comprehensive guide to the robotics landscape. Covering topics from data collection and simulation, through to robotics motion planning and fleet management. This report is an important summary into the key stakeholders and gives an insight into the innovations and rising stars.
Many of these companies have also experienced the frustrations and inefficiencies in the historical robotics development process. The skill set needed to develop and manage robotics is only growing more complex, so it is difficult for one company to be able to do it all. Many of the companies listed in this report are focusing on providing new building blocks for the robotics industry. Paving a new way forward for the industry.
The report lists Asimovo as one of only two Robot Development Platforms. This is the paragraph it uses to describe the Robot development platform space:
“Robot development platforms help developers easily design, develop and test robots, such asย Asimovoย andย Viam. To illustrate, Asimovo lets developers create a tool-kit for the robotics project (ROS versions, simulation, visualisation etc.) so everyone on the team is working off the same versions and setup. It also supports advanced collaboration capabilities, cloud computing resource allocation, ability to work locally and simplified transfer of data between digital and real worlds. Viam is somewhat unusual as it extends beyond robotics to encompass IoT, smart homes, industrial automation etc and offers everything from low level hardware APIs to software algorithms in addition to fleet management, remote monitoring and teleoperation.” MMC Ventures Robot Report
The report also highlights ROS as the leading Robot Operating System. Read the full report on their website
Their LinkedIn Article https://www.linkedin.com/posts/mmc-ventures_robotics-ai-startups-activity-7241762409713995776-xY9G?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop