Invited as an Industry Expert to Debate “Is AI Truly Redefining Robotics” at ICRA@40

We are delighted to announce that Asimovo CEO and founder, Christine Fraser, has been invited to be one of the Industry Experts to debate the topic “ Is AI Truly Redefining Robotics” as part of the IEEE RAS ICRA@40 conference happening later this month in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. 

The IEEE RAS ICRA@40 conference is the 40th anniversary of the IEEE conference on robotics and automation. Taking place in Rotterdam from 23-26th of September.  The conference expects to welcome around 1500 of the world’s top robotics experts and leaders for celebration, reflection and debate.

The Arena Lunches and Debates will take place every day during the lunch break, featuring short pitches from experts and then a panel-style discussions on a variety of topics. The goal is to foster interactive discussions between conference attendees and prominent figures from academia and industry through casual conversations. The sessions will be held in an “arena-like” setting for this purpose, with lunch served in the room. 

The conference organising committee  have chosen each day’s discussions to highlight key challenges and innovations in the field. With experts coming from different backgrounds and perspectives across the four days. 

Christine will be paired with Vincent Vanhoucke from Google/DeepMind/Waymo, and together represent the industry experts leading Thursdays debate. This will be the final, and perhaps most anticipated debate of the conference. 

The debate topics will cover topics such as: 

  • How advancements in AI are pushing the boundaries of robotics, enabling new capabilities and applications, and 
  • AI Limitations in Robotics: Challenges in Integration and performance
  • Explore the limitations and challenges of integrating AI into robotics, including issues related to reliability, ethical concerns,
  • Practical difficulties of implementing AI solutions in real-world robotic systems.

The panel will be moderated by Enrica Tricomi (Heidelberg University), Francesco Missiroli (Heidelberg University)

The one hour debate schedule will follow the following schedule,

– 13:15 – 13:20: Welcome and Introduction by the Moderator

– 13:20 – 13:30: Speaker 1 – Introduction and Pitch

– 13:30 – 13:40: Speaker 2 – Introduction and Pitch

– 13:40 – 14:15: Open Debate and Q&A

For more information on the other debates and expert speakers see

If you have not already signed up to participate in ICRA@40 then it is not too late, there are still some tickets available 

If you are a student you can also sign up to volunteer at the conference

If you are at the conference but unable to join the debate you can come and see us at the Asimovo booth in the exhibition area at any point during the conference.

We will also be part of the Autonomous Agricultural Navigation Robot demo, to

See you all there, and looking forward to the debate.