Announcing membership of the new Open Source Robotics Alliance

We are really proud to announce that Asimovo has become a Silver member of the new Open Source Robotics Alliance (OSRA).
This is a new initiative from Open Robotics to strengthen the governance of their open-source robotics software projects and ensure the health of the Robot Operating System (ROS) Suite community for many years to come.
Asimovo were personally invited by Venessa Yamzon Ors, The CEO of Open Robotics, to join the OSRA as an organizational member. Joining other inaugural members such as NVIDIA, Intrinsic, and Qualcomm, and many other prominent organizations within our community.
“We were really excited to be asked to be one of the first members of the new Open Source Robotics Alliance. We believe deeply in the power of open source and membership enables us to continue our strong support of the ROS ecosystem” Christine Fraser, Founder & CEO Asimovo
In addition to continued support of the ROS ecosystem membership also gives organisations a chance to participate in the technical oversight and governance of the ROS Suite projects. Asimovo will join other inaugural members like .
For those not so familiar with the ROS Ecosystem. ROS is the Robot Operating System. Since ROS 2 was released almost 2 years ago the adoption of ROS has gone from strength to strength. ROS is now considered to be the defacto operating system for robotics, and a growing number of companies and projects are adopting ROS and building on top of it.
In addition to the operating system the ROS ecosystem also contains other tools critical to the development of robots. Such as the Gazebo simulator. There are other tools which are based on navigation or robot-2-robot behaviours. These ROS ecosystem tools are also used to teach most robotics courses in Universities and Higher Education.
The Asimovo platform incorporates most of the ROS Suite as standard functionality that any users of the platform can access. Have a look at our developer area or read our case studies to find out more.
We encourage others working in Robotics to join and add their support. Information can be found on the Open Robotics website