Witness the Powerful Women Leading the Robotics Revolution

Building a Brighter Future: Women Leading the Robotics Revolution from Building to Applications

Join this IEEE Entrepreneurship webinar on  Thursday, June 6th, 2024 at 3:00 PM CET Time

The future of robotics is bright, and women are at the forefront of innovation. This online webinar will showcase the diverse applications of robotics, from building and managing robots to the development of untraditional types of robots.

We’ll journey from the technical intricacies of robot construction, powered by Asimovo‘s groundbreaking RoboDevOps platform, to the heartwarming applications that are shaping our future. Discover how Asimovo streamlines robot development, accelerating innovation across industries.

Witness how Konpanion‘s social robots, a unique and non-traditional application of robotics, redefine companionship and foster well-being within families and households.

Join us to be inspired by these leading women and witness the power of robotics to build a brighter future!

Meet the Speakers:

  • Christine Fraser, Co-founder of Asimovo
    Christine is a passionate leader driving the development of Asimovo’s RoboDevOps platform. This revolutionary platform streamlines robot development and deployment, accelerating the pace of robotics adoption across various industries.
  • Camila Jimenez Pol, Co-founder of Konpanion
    Camila is a visionary entrepreneur leading Konpanion, a company creating a family of domestic social robot pets. Konpanion’s robots offer a compelling alternative in companionship and care, with the potential to improve well-being in households.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be inspired by these leading women in robotics!

Date/Time: Thursday, June 6th, 2024 at 3:00 PM CET Time

Duration: One Hour

Language: English

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