Robots – From Rotterdam to the Rest of the World

Hot on the heels of the Entrepreneurship Workshop help at ICRA 2024, Asimovo was out leading the field again at the Rotterdam based robotics event, as part of the Up Stream Festival .

Mitja Caboni “What used to be science fiction, is now reality!”

Great energy at the second Rotterdam based Robotics Entrepreneurship Exchange! The event “Robodam: From Rotterdam to the Rest of the World” brought together a vibrant community of robotics enthusiasts, entrepreneurs, and innovators from Rotterdam and beyond!

We kicked off the afternoon with an engaging check-in, setting the tone for an afternoon filled with insightful discussions and connections. Christine Fraser, CEO of Asimovo, opened the event with a warm welcome and set the stage for what was to come.

It was a great afternoon filled with insights about how all of these robotic machines are potentially transforming industries and exploring how important the design process is. It was a day full of inspiration, learning about each other’s great inventions and networking. A detailed report will follow soon!

Thanks to our speakers
🤖 Marlon Drinkwaard (CEO AquaSmartXL)
🤖 Richard Hardiman (CEO RanMarine Technology)
🤖 Michel Heemskerk (Head of Design RanMarine Technology)
for the insightful keynotes and engaging discussions about The Impact of Design on Robotics.

Also many thanks to the participants of the lightning talks:
Mitja Caboni (Accelerations Manager PortXL)
Dominique ⛴️ Nieuwpoort (Digital Connector Maritime & Port Datawerf Digitalzh)
Lisa van der Heijden (Partnership Lead DronePort Rotterdam)
Iskander Smit (Founder Cities of Things)
⚡Christine Fraser (CEO Asimovo)
Hugo Honijk (Director Smart & Robotics Spark design & innovation)

And a special thank you to the participants who spontaneously took the stage!
Zoë Stekkel (Founder Stekkel) with her robotic bag!!!
Leendert van Duijn (Managing Director Vention Technologies)

A large THANK YOU to our moderator of the day Christine Fraser.

And thanks to the partners who made this event possible: IEEE Robotics and Automation Society, IEEE Entrepreneurship, Gemeente Rotterdam, Almende, Rotterdam Partners, Upstream Festival, InnovationQuarter, High Tech NL Robotics, Holland High Tech.

Last but not least: thank you for letting us host this event at your venue JACK Rotterdam.

Thank you for being a part of RoboDam and contributing to the future of robotics! See you soon again!!

Rob Schmidt Aad Nales Frank Vieveen Adriaan van der Giessen Jeannette Leete Catherine Kalamidas

#RoboDam #Innovation #Robotics #Rotterdam #futuretech #techadvancements h#roboticsolutions

For full article – Click Here