Reflecting on WebSummit 2023: A Journey of Innovation and Connection

We’re back from an exhilarating experience at WebSummit 2023, and we’re eager to share some of the remarkable moments from this groundbreaking event. Before we dive into the details, a massive shoutout to the WebSummit team and the entire tech community for making this event possible.

The first day kicked off with high energy as our CEO and Founder, Christine Fraser, took part in the Pitch session with the European Investment Bank. The session was a fantastic opportunity to showcase our vision and connect with potential investors. Watch the highlights and catch the insights from the pitch session here.

Throughout the day, we engaged in meaningful conversations with other investors, exploring collaborative opportunities and gaining valuable insights into the ever-evolving tech landscape.

Day 2: A Day at the Booth

Day 2 saw us setting up shop with our booth, ready to interact with attendees and fellow innovators. The booth became a hub of activity as we shared our journey, demonstrated our projects, and connected with the diverse crowd at WebSummit. A big thank you to everyone who dropped by for insightful discussions.

Day 3: The Startup Showcase and 2-Minute Pitch

The final day was nothing short of spectacular as we were part of the Startup Showcase. Christine Fraser took the stage for a swift and impactful 2-minute pitch, sharing our aspirations and innovations with the global audience. Revisit the moment and catch the highlights of our pitch here.

Reflecting on the Journey:

WebSummit 2023 provided us with a platform to engage with industry leaders, investors, and fellow startups. The three days were packed with insights, networking opportunities, and the chance to be a part of the dynamic tech ecosystem.

As we navigated through the bustling exhibition area, we connected with tech enthusiasts from around the globe, learning about the challenges they face and sharing our experiences.

Here’s to more exciting developments and innovations in the world of tech! Explore our journey and join us on this thrilling ride.